UK: Students plan protest against ‘anti feminist’ documentary screening

Article here. Excerpt:

'Students are planning to protest the screening of Birthgap — Childless world, a documentary which blames the “pitfalls of Feminism and the modern dating-world” for “the planet’s collapsing birthrate”. The screening, hosted by a student, will be taking place at St John’s College on 12/05.

In an email sent out via the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) mailing list, the host advertised that the screening would be followed by a Q&A with the filmmaker Stephen J Shaw. In response to concerns voiced on Camfess, she criticised students as having “thrown their rattle out of the pram”. The documentary is Shaw’s first project.

The student host of the event, who has written for the Telegraph, and been featured on GB News, aims “to make students aware of the fast-approaching population collapse”. She hopes “to get high-achieving young people (who are most likely to end up unintentionally childless) to consider factoring in plans for parenthood into their career plans.”'

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