How toxic ideas about masculinity corrode the workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Toxic masculinity has shaped many modern-day workplaces for the worse.

In some offices, "dog eat dog" and "work-first" attitudes are heralded and rewarded, and aggression is still viewed as a sign of worthy leadership.
What companies instead have to do is take a hard look at their rewards systems, Glick says. In a system that rains accolades on very specific things — say, the person who stayed the latest versus the person who submitted the best work — people learn to value what wins them acclaim.

"You can't drop a diversity training into 'Game of Thrones' and expect it's going to get better," Glick says. "That's not going to happen. You need to address the underlying, fundamental culture and expose it."'

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... are also toxically masculine? Or is it OK for women to be all Game of Thrones-esque, just not men? Because I've met a fair number of women who were quite comfy being competitive and all about themselves.

Guess what? This pays off. Politics is everything in mgt. Everything. Nothing is going to change that. You can call it a lot of things: stupid, wasteful, etc. But to call it specifically masculine, much less toxic?

Cleopatra and Catherine the Great would have just laughed at you and had your head chopped off.

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With all the concern about toxic men and harassment at Christmas parties, maybe women should just go back to the kitchen and bake cookies.

Let men run the world--like we're supposed to.


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